I-AGS Medical, 6565 Americas Parkway NE, Suite 200, Albuquerque, NM 87110 USA
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Izinsiza Zokwelapha Nemikhiqizo
Our therapeutic devices, equipment and products consist of dental and surgical devices designed to perform_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_a therapeutic or corrective function. Impahla yokwelapha i-serv noma yiziphi izinjongo ezilandelayo, noma injongo ehlobene nanoma yiziphi izinjongo ezilandelayo:
ukuvimbela, ukuxilonga, ukuqapha, ukunciphisa, ukwelapha, ukwelapha, noma ukunxephezela, isifo, ukugula, isici, noma ukulimala; noma
ukuthonya, ukuvimbela, noma ukuguqula inqubo yomzimba; noma
ukuhlola ukuthambekela kwabantu ekuguleni noma ekuguleni; noma
ukuthonya, ukulawula, noma ukuvimbela ukukhulelwa; noma
ukuhlolwa kokukhulelwa; noma
ukuphenya, ukufaka esikhundleni, noma ukulungisa izingxenye zomzimba womuntu
Imishini yethu eminingi yokwelapha kanye nemikhiqizo igunyaziwe yi-FDA ne-CE. Our high quality therapeutic equipment & products are manufactured at plants that have ISO13485 certified quality management systems, and are being widely used in clinics and hospitals in i-US, EU namanye amazwe.
Ngezansi kukhona imikhiqizo yethu therapeutic medical products. Sicela uchofoze umbhalo ogqanyisiwe ozithakaselayo ukuze uye ekhasini elifanele lomkhiqizo:
- Arthroscopy
- Ukuzinakekela Nokunakekela Ekhaya
- Izinto Zokunakekela Izingane (Ukunakekelwa Kwasekhaya)
- Izisetshenziswa zePhysiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
- I-Ophtalmology & Optometry
- Imikhiqizo Yezokwelapha Ehlukahlukene
- Izimila Zamathambo & Izinsimbi & Imikhiqizo
- Rehabilitation Gel
- Imikhiqizo Yokuvuselela Nokwelapha Nengculazi
- Imikhiqizo Yamazinyo Nezisetshenziswa